Friday, December 20, 2013

And we begin again

Last night I again ran afoul of Facebook (Becky calls me a Luddite) for its unpredictable behavior, so I returned to the idea of doing a blog. I looked back at the blog I had run for a number of years, and it was kind of sad. For one thing, technology has advanced, and the old one wouldn't work on your phone, but more importantly, that was a very old version of me. I actually read all of the old posts. They divided neatly into three sets: sadness and grief over the church situation, discussion of the future with Jared as a roommate, and grumpiness about the battle to get computer software to actually do its job (hence the Luddite comment).

The church thing is totally resolved. I'm now a full member of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Ashland and I'm totally at home there. I cannot believe it's only been two years. Seems like decades (and yes, people do ask me to explain Episcopalian stuff to them!).

Jared and I have gone through three years of being roommates now, and he's looking toward his own future. He's just started a job at Kroger and we agree that the time for him to find a new place to live is quite soon.

Computer software? Well, I've finally given up on making Ashland's paranoid software suite work. I do everything on my own site and on Blogger now. I think I've tamed NCSC's site too, though it's still a struggle at times.

Now what?
It's time to say things with a little more content and style than Facebook allows. (And this is a much more predictable interface—I know exactly what will happen when I click "publish.") I do invite response and comment, though I'll moderate them so I don't promote odd commercial ventures.

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