As of this afternoon, Ohio is on official semi-lockdown. With a few vivid exceptions, we're supposed to stay home for the next couple of weeks. I get the impression that even a trip such as the one I took this afternoon (a 38-mile drive in the country, but I never left the car) would be forbidden. Interestingly enough, however, trips to public parks (with bicycling specifically mentioned) are OK and so are trips to my office at the university, so long as I don't actually meet students.
I'm glad. Week after week in this small apartment will rot my mind. Today's journey was a big help, and the bicycle exemption is very welcome. I've got a very short time to pull the distance ed courses together, and I really prefer doing the talking head videos in my school office.
I still miss the gym though. It's too cold for the bike and I mainly sit in one spot (and accumulate aches) during these quarantine days.
One vivid memory was all the Trump flags. And I keep running into comments about people in conservative places (like a West Virginia county that went 90% for Trump) who simply don't take the coronavirus seriously. Unfortunately, the political stupidity will lead to something of a cleansing of the voter rolls. Not total, but the group which is Trump's "base" will suffer disproportionately.