Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Level Up!

Yesterday at the Y, my computerized workout tracker said I became eligible for a T-shirt because I had achieved another level. (They keep track of how many times I lift something, and base the levels on that. I think I've lifted something like 15 million pounds, but in lots of 30 or 40 at a time.)

One of the employees congratulated me, with a big smile on his face. I commented that I would have gotten my T-shirt a lot earlier if I had recorded all of my bicycling, about 2000 miles last summer. His jaw dropped. Now you've got to imagine an incredibly huge guy with big solid arms and really amazing pectoral muscles being blown away by the idea of biking 2000 miles in a summer. I pointed out that it's not that hard. All you have to do is several 50-mile days a week. His eyes got even more bulgy (if that's possible). And of course, the Bishop's Bike Ride (five 50s back-to-back) helped the total.

I'm just not used to being treated like an athletic god.

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